Social Circle
Market InsightsSocial Circle is a city in Walton County, extending into Newton County, in the U.S. state of Georgia, approximately 45 miles east of Atlanta, and approximately four miles due north of access from Interstate 20.According to tradition, Social Circle was named from an incident in which a group of townspeople offered water to a weary traveler, whose response was "This certainly is a social circle".
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Neighborhoods in Social Circle
-Conner SpringsCountry WalkCreekside @ RiverstoneDove LandingDove Landing-IFalls @ Rocky Br-IFields At Shiloh-IiHawks CrossingJ H Stephens Prop SubJubileeLittle RiverNo Recorded SubdivisionQuail Valley SubRiver CoveRiver Cove MeadowsSocial Circle CottonSt AndrewsThe Three OaksThree Oaks
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